Bobby Darin’s voracious desire for show business fame was fueled by a sense that the sword of Damocles was always hanging over him. Darin was born Walden Robert Cassotto on May 14th, 1936 in the Bronx to a family of very modest means. At an early age Darin developed rheumatic fever which damaged the valves of his heart. He was a frail and sickly boy, and normal stickball in the streets or roughhousing with other kids his age was just not possible for him. He was however a very bright and gifted boy and his “mother” Polly realized this early on. Polly was a Vaudeville performer in her youth and she encouraged Bobby to explore music and to read constantly. Around the house Bobby was regularly exposed to music of the great big bands and singers such as Al Jolson, Frank Sinatra, and Ella Fitzgerald. Music played a big part in the Cassotto household in Bobby’s youth. By the time he was in his early teens he could play the piano and drums. With Polly’s love and encouragement and with a deep desire to make Polly proud, Bobby began to plan and work towards his dreams. Sometimes important events in one’s life happen randomly. One day he overheard the family Doctor say to Polly that “even with the best medical treatment and luck the boy probably won’t live to see age 20.” Friends and family later theorized that this medical revelation was what fueled the brash, arrogant and intensely driven Darin to never suffer fools gladly or to waste a single moment. He was on borrowed time and he knew it.
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For general inquiries please complete the form below
Bobby Darin Estate Management
Brian Schwartz and Amy Abrams
7S Management
PO Box 12
Boulder, CO 80306
Phone: (303) 998-0002
Email Management
Licensing Inquiries for Direction Records Masters
Secret Road Music Licensing
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